Posted in Book tags

Book Tag: The Book Blogger Test

I was tagged to do this by the lovely Maggie @ MassachusettsNovel and Jess @ StarsWhoListen.

What are your top 3 pet peeves for books and reading? | 

1. When an awesome Sci-fi/Dystopian or any book with a wonderful driving plot turns into a love story. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love stories and a good love triangle. But, I HATE it when this wonderful world, which has been built up by the author with a great external enemy fighting against the main character and then oh my goodness she/he can’t focus on any of it because of her love life. Um girl, the world is about to go to hell and you are trying to choose between guys. Let’s save it first.

2. When you’re reading a book and get sand in it…or have to kill a bug. I love having a physical copy of a book, however I really only keep them with me at home, one of the reasons being I hate messing up books. I’m fine with spine breaks or rippled pages, but I hate when foreign matter gets in between the pages. This is one of the main reasons I bring my kindle on travel. Also it’s a lot lighter.

3. When you’re totally engrossed in a book and then life happens. You know those books where you just want to sit and read for hours…but then you have to go to class or an appointment etc. Yea, that’s actually my number 1 pet peeve.

Describe your perfect reading spot | My bed, or a reading nook

I love to be able to cuttle or curl up and read. Natural light is always better than lightbulbs. I don’t like to read in public because I get distracted by everything going around me, and I find it hard to get engrossed in the book.

Tell us 3 book confessions |

1. I never finished the Mortal Instruments Series. One of my favorite series, I originally read them as they were releasing. However, when the fourth one came out I was super excited that it wasn’t a trilogy like I originally thought and then I did not finish it. I’m in the process of rereading the first three, and then will hopefully finish the series.

2. I read too many books at a time. I am currently reading three books at once, which is probably a new low for me. I constantly switch between books based on my mood. I find it very hard to only have one book option at a given time.

3. I look up spoilers on Tumblr. I hate myself for this, but I will look up spoilers on tumblr when I’m waiting for a really great book to come out (aka like Empire of Storms).

When was the last time you cried during a book | Empire of Storms

I sobbed during Empire of Storms. The ending killed me. All together a wonderful book that I recommend to everyone. If you want to read more about it, go HERE.

How many books are on your bedside table | Nine

I have an ever growing pile of books next to me. Most of them are from the library and will probably be returned before they will be read, an problem I have had since I had a library card.

What is your favorite snack to eat while you’re reading | Pretzels

I absolutely love the crunch of pretzels, and how they can stave off hunger so that you can continue reading uninterrupted. I will say that when I am deep in a book, I could care less about food and only the deepest hunger will make me rise to find a snack.

Name 3 books you would recommend to everyone | 

1. Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas

2. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

3.  Enclave by Ann Agguire

There are also so many other books that everyone should read that I have not put on this list, but these are the ones I’ve been loving the most recently.

Show us a picture of your favorite shelf on your bookcase | I’ll raise you an entire bookcase.


Write how much books mean to you in three words| My entire life.

What is your biggest reading secret |

I constantly stop in the middle of books and put them aside. Even if I love the book, I often set it aside and start reading or continuing another one. The most recent book I have done this with is Winter. Absolutely love the book and series, but I put it down and have yet to pick it back up.

Who do you tag | because all my blogger friends have already done it, I’m going to try and make new ones! I tag you…

Ann @ AnntheBookmaster

Anna @ MyBookishDream